Canterbury Archaeological trust


Canterbury Archaeological Trust, a renowned archaeology group in the UK, has been partnering with MPR IT Solutions for over 12 years to meet its technology requirements. In 2015, as the charity expanded its staff and locations, the Trust faced a crucial decision regarding its outdated Exchange 2012 server. They had to choose between migrating to the Cloud or investing in another on-premise Exchange server. Limited funds, as is the case with many charities, added to the complexity of the decision-making process. This case study highlights how MPR IT Solutions helped Canterbury Archaeological Trust successfully deploy Microsoft 365, taking into account their unique needs and budget constraints.

The Challenge:

Canterbury Archaeological Trust needed to address the growing demands of its expanding organisation while also considering the cost implications. They required a solution that would facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among their staff at various locations. Furthermore, they needed to integrate their onsite ERP systems with Microsoft Cloud platforms to ensure uninterrupted workflow.

The Solution:

MPR IT Solutions, in close collaboration with the Trust, proposed a solution that perfectly met their requirements. The team secured a full E1 subscription to Microsoft 365 at no cost, making it an obvious choice from a financial standpoint. The migration plan was meticulously executed to minimise downtime and disruption for the staff.

The Results:

The migration from the old Exchange server to Microsoft 365 was executed seamlessly, with many staff members not even noticing the changeover. This ensured that the Trust’s operations continued smoothly without any major interruptions. Integrating the onsite ERP systems with Microsoft Cloud platforms was a critical aspect of the solution, and MPR IT Solutions ensured that email and communications were functioning as intended. The Trust was extremely pleased with the recommended solution and continue working with MPR IT for their Office licenses. Over the years, MPR IT has provided ongoing support and assistance, ensuring that the Trust benefits from the latest security features and enhancements within Office 365. The Trust appreciates the convenience of having a single point of contact in MPR IT for any questions or adjustments to their licenses, eliminating the need to contact Microsoft directly. This level of support and expertise has been invaluable to the Trust’s operations and has contributed to its continued success in the field of archaeology.


The successful deployment of Microsoft 365 for Canterbury Archaeological Trust showcases the expertise and dedication of MPR IT Solutions in delivering tailored IT solutions to meet the specific needs of businesses. By securing a full E1 subscription to Microsoft 365 free of charge, MPR IT Solutions not only addressed the Trust’s financial constraints but also ensured a seamless transition to a more efficient and collaborative platform. The Trust continues to benefit from the ongoing support and expertise provided by MPR IT Solutions, enabling them to focus on their core work of archaeological research and preservation. If your company requires a reliable IT partner to help you navigate the complexities of technology