Email Deployment


In today’s fast-paced business environment, having a reliable and efficient email system is crucial for any organisation. When Mr Clutch Autocentres approached MPR IT Solutions for assistance with their email systems, we were ready to rise to the challenge. As part of a larger project to roll out a state-of-the-art customer CRM system, Mr Clutch needed to update their email delivery to improve operational efficiencies. With our expertise in Microsoft solutions and a deep understanding of their specific needs, we were able to provide a tailored and comprehensive solution.


Mr Clutch Autocentres faced several challenges when it came to their email systems. Their secure WAN posed difficulties in implementing a new solution, and the marketing department had high demands for improved operational efficiencies. With 48 sites to roll out, it was clear that this project required a robust and scalable solution.


After careful evaluation of Mr Clutch’s requirements, we determined that the best course of action was to migrate their email systems to Office 365. This decision offered a range of benefits, including improved functionality, easy-to-use centralised management, email tracking, filtering, and much more. Our team at MPR IT Solutions worked closely with Mr Clutch to ensure a smooth transition to Office 365, taking into account the unique needs of their head office and locked-down depots.


The deployment of Microsoft solutions by MPR IT Solutions has had a significant impact on Mr Clutch Autocentres. Not only did the transition to Office 365 improve operational efficiencies, but it also provided a more secure and reliable email system for the organisation. Our team worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth rollout to all 48 sites, taking into account the unique challenges posed by their secure WAN.

One of the key benefits of Office 365 was the easy-to-use centralised management. This allowed Mr Clutch to have complete control over their email systems, making it simple to make adjustments and track emails. The marketing department, in particular, was thrilled with the improved functionality and the ability to filter emails more effectively.

Another significant advantage of working with MPR IT Solutions was the level of support provided. Mr Clutch knew that they could rely on us for any IT support needs, without the hassle of contacting Microsoft directly. Our team was always available to answer questions and make any necessary adjustments to licenses.

Overall, the deployment of Microsoft solutions by MPR IT Solutions has been a resounding success for Mr Clutch Autocentres. The improved email delivery and operational efficiencies have had a positive impact on the organisation as a whole. We are proud to have been able to provide a tailored and comprehensive solution that meets their specific needs.


MPR IT Solutions understands the importance of reliable and efficient email systems in today’s fast-paced business environment. Our deployment of Microsoft solutions for Mr Clutch Autocentres has proven to be a game-changer in improving their operational efficiencies and providing a secure and reliable email system. With our expertise in Microsoft solutions and our dedication to meeting our clients’ specific needs, we were able to successfully deliver a fully working Office 365 rollout to all 48 sites.

If your company is facing similar challenges with its email systems, MPR IT Solutions can provide the tailored and comprehensive solution you need. Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and develop a plan that meets your unique needs. With our deep knowledge of Microsoft solutions, we can ensure a smooth transition and provide ongoing support to keep your systems running smoothly.

Don’t let outdated and low-function email systems hold your organisation back. Contact MPR IT Solutions today and let us help you take your email systems to the next level with Microsoft Solutions. Together, we can improve your operational efficiencies, enhance your security, and provide you with the reliable and efficient email system your business needs to thrive.